"We learned today that Verizon has decided to no longer participate in RSA Conference 2020 as a Gold Sponsor," RSA said on a website it has created to provide coronavirus updates. The conference said 14 sponsors and exhibitors have now withdrawn, including six from China, seven from the US, and one from Canada.
Photos: RSA Conference 2020, part 2
DOWNLOAD: https://urllio.com/2vD3q9
RSA tweeted Thursday that it was working with conference site Moscone Center "on new health and safety measures, including increased cleaning frequencies and ample hand sanitizers around RSAC. You can do your part by washing hands often for at least 20 seconds."
Registration for Dublin 2022 is open. Speaking at RSA Dublin 2022 requires RSA membership and conference registration. The deadline for registering for the conference as a participant was February 15, 2022.
RSA members who are students, independent scholars, adjunct instructors, part-time instructors, unemployed non-students, and retired scholars may use the promotional code REDUCEDREG during checkout to register for the conference at the reduced rate of $120 + 23% VAT.
We understand that because of the pandemic, some participants will not be able to travel to Dublin. For those whose names are in the program but who cannot make the trip, you may cancel your participation and your registration fee will be reimbursed. Complete the Withdrawal and Program Change Form to cancel your participation. You will then have the opportunity to resubmit your paper or panel for the RSA virtual conference in December 2022 or the next Annual Meeting in San Juan in March 2023.
Why can't the RSA organize hybrid conference? To run hundreds of conference sessions with some participants onsite and some joining via Zoom is prohibitively expensive and not very successful. The costs in each meeting room include extra bandwidth and large screens for streaming, video licensing, multiple cameras and microphones to try to capture the faces and voices of everyone on the panel and in the audience, and extra technicians and staff to operate the equipment, often involving overtime pay. Inadequate internet service at the offsite locations and the complexities of global time zones also conspire to make hybrid conferencing difficult, since for some it entails participation in the middle of the night.
The RSA staff are keeping in close contact with the Irish government and the staff at all of our conference venues. To ensure the safest possible environment for our participants, the following policies will apply for our Annual Meeting in Dublin.
As announced in October 2021, and this policy remains unchanged, all RSA conference participants must register online (no walk-ins can be accommodated), and participants must provide proof of immunity when they register: either proof of vaccination or proof of recovery from COVID-19 within 180 days of the start of the conference.
The UKFIET conference, over a few days, is always a good opportunity to connect and re-connect with others working in the field of education and international development. Organised evening events help to facilitate some of these encounters. Thank you to Cambridge Education and BAICE for hosting two evening drinks receptions for all conference participants. BAICE also hosted a drinks reception for students. Many other side meetings happened in the evenings. And of course there was the legendary conference #EduDisco!
Finally, we would like to thank the full team Conference Committee team. Their dedication, expertise and hard work paid off to make this another successful UKFIET conference! In particular, thank you to the thematic convenors for their work over the last year in the tough selection process of all of the abstracts submitted, in grouping presentations into interesting and coherent sessions, chairing some of these sessions, and generally making sure that everything went smoothly across their various 6 themes.
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